Every Penn State student is assigned a home campus where he/she must register. Students and academic advisers can see a student's campus in LionPATH by selecting the "Academic Background" link under "Academics."
Multiple-campus registration is a procedure for students who want to enroll in courses at their assigned home campus and at another Penn State campus (or campuses) in the same semester or session (policy C-2). Students should first register for courses offered by their home campus. In order to register for courses at any other campus, permission is required from the non-home campus. When planning a multiple campus registration, students should consult with their adviser.
Most campuses and University Park departments will begin to accept these requests one week prior to the start of the semester. This is to allow all students at those campus locations and/or University Park the ability to schedule courses for their academic progress. Online or remote courses have a class capacity as well as in-person classes.
Please note: If a student plans to schedule the majority of his/her credits at a campus other than his/her assigned home campus, the student must request a temporary change of campus.
Please note: You must register for a course or courses at your assigned home campus before requesting to be enrolled in a World Campus course. In addition, you cannot schedule more than 19 credits until the first day of the semester.