Enrollment in a course may be controlled in order to reserve space for a special population (e.g., students in a particular semester standing and/or major). You must contact the appropriate academic department to determine if you are eligible to enroll in a course that has a course control.
Below is a list of the department contact phone number for each course subject at University Park. For courses at non-University Park locations, please contact the appropriate campus registrar's office.
Course Abbreviation | Short Description | Department Phone Number |
ABE | Ag and Biological Engineering | 814-863-1524 |
AE | Architectural Engineering | 814-863-2078 |
AED | Art Education | 814-865-0444 |
ASM | Ag Systems Management | 814-863-1524 |
AA | Arts and Architecture | 814-865-9523 |
AAAS | African/Afr Amer Studies | 814-863-4243 |
ACCTG | Accounting | 814-865-1809 |
ACS | Acoustics | 814-865-6364 |
AEE | Ag and Extension Education | 814-865-0467 |
AEREC | Ag Ec and Rural Sociology | 814-865-0467 |
AERSP | Aerospace Engineering | 814-865-2569 |
AFR | African Studies | 814-863-4243 |
AG | Agriculture | 814-865-7521 |
AGBM | Agribusiness Management | 814-865-0467 |
AGSC | Agricultural Science | 814-865-0467 |
AGECO | Agroecology | 814-865-2571 |
AGRO | Agronomy | 814-865-2571 |
AIR | Air Force | 814-865-5453 |
ANSC | Animal Science | 814-863-3664 |
ANTH | Anthropology | 814-865-2509 |
APLNG | Applied Linguistics | 814-865-7365 |
ARAB | Arabic | 814-865-1168 |
ARCH | Architecture | 814-865-9535 |
ARMY | Army | 814-863-0368 |
ART | Art | 814-865-0444 |
ARTH | Art History | 814-865-6326 |
ASIA | Asian Studies | 814-865-1168 |
ASTRO | Astronomy and Astrophysics | 814-865-0410 |
AYFCE | App Yth Fam and Cm Edu | 814-865-0467 |
BA | Business Administration | 814-863-1947 |
BE | Biological Engineering | 814-863-1524 |
BLAW | Business Law | 814-865-4172 |
BMB | Biochemistry and Molec Biology | 814-865-5497 |
BME | Biomedical Engineering | 814-863-6614 |
BBH | Biobehavioral Health | 814-863-7256 |
BISC | Biological Science | 814-865-5497 |
BIOE | Bioengineering | 814-863-6614 |
BIOET | Bioethics | 814-863-8237 |
BIOL | Biology | 814-865-2329 |
BIOTC | Biotechnology | 814-865-5497 |
BMH | Bioethics and Med Humanities | 814-863-8237 |
BMMB | Biochm Micrb and Molec Biology | 814-865-5497 |
BRASS | Music-Brass | 814-865-0431 |
C-S | Curric & Supervision | 814-865-6568 |
CE | Civil Engineering | 814-863-3084 |
CI | Curric & Instruction | 814-865-6568 |
CAMS | Class & Anc Med Stud | 814-865-8851 |
CAS | Comm Arts & Sciences | 814-865-3461 |
CED | Comm Env & Develop | 814-865-0467 |
CEDEV | Community & Econ Dev | 814-865-6223 |
CHE | Chemical Engineering | 814-865-2574 |
CHEM | Chemistry | 814-865-9391 |
CHNS | Chinese | 814-865-1168 |
CIED | Comp & Internatnl Ed | 814-865-1488 |
CLJ | Crime, Law & Justice | 814-865-2527 |
CMLIT | Comparative Lit | 814-865-1168 |
CMPEN | Computer Engineering | 814-865-9505 |
CMPSC | Computer Science | 814-865-9505 |
CNED | Counselor Education | 814-865-8304 |
CNPSY | Counseling Psych | 814-865-8304 |
COMM | Communications | 814-865-1591 |
CRIM | Criminology | 814-865-2527 |
CSA | College Student Affs | 814-865-3449 |
CSD | Comm Sci & Disorders | 814-865-3584 |
CSE | Computer Sci & Engr | 814-865-9505 |
CYBER | Cybersecurity Analytics and Op | 814-865-8947 |
DANCE | Dance | 814-865-7586 |
DART | Digital Arts | 814-865-0444 |
DEMOG | Demography | 814-865-0486 |
DS | Data Sciences | 814-865-8947 |
EARTH | Earth Sciences | 814-865-7791 |
EBF | Energy Business and Finance | 814-863-5566 |
EBIZ | E-Business | 814-865-1869 |
ECE | Early Childhood Educ | 814-865-6568 |
ECLGY | Ecology | 814-863-3650 |
ECON | Economics | 814-865-1457 |
EDLDR | Educ Leadership Prog | 814-865-1487 |
EDPSY | Education Psychology | 814-865-1881 |
EDSGN | Engineering Design | 814-863-3026 |
EDTHP | Educ Theory & Policy | 814-865-1488 |
EDUC | Education | 814-865-2524 |
EE | Electrical Engr | 814-865-7667 |
EGEE | Energy/Geo-Envir Eng | 814-863-5566 |
EMCH | Engineering Mech | 814-865-4523 |
EME | Energy and Mineral Engineering | 814-863-5566 |
EMSC | Earth & Mineral Sci | 814-865-7482 |
ENGL | English | 814-863-0258 |
ENGR | Engineering | 814-863-1033 |
ENNEC | Engy, Envrn, & Mn Ec | 814-863-5566 |
ENT | Entomology | 814-865-1895 |
ENTR | Entrepreneurship | 814-865-1789 |
ENVSE | Environ System Engineering | 814-863-5566 |
ERM | Envirn Resrc Mgmt | 814-865-6942 |
ESC | Engineering Science | 814-865-4523 |
ESL | English As Sec Lang | 814-865-7365 |
ETI | Enterprise Tech Integration | 814-865-8947 |
FSC | Fuel Science | 814-863-5566 |
FDSC | Food Science | 814-863-8667 |
FIN | Finance | 814-863-0486 |
FOR | Forestry | 814-865-4237 |
FR | French | 814-865-1168 |
FRNSC | Forensic Science | 814-867-2465 |
GD | Graphic Design | 814-865-0345 |
GENET | Genetics | 814-863-3650 |
GEOG | Geography | 814-865-3433 |
GEOSC | Geosciences | 814-865-7791 |
GER | German | 814-865-1168 |
GREEK | Greek | 814-865-8851 |
HCDD | Human-Centered Design and Dev | 814-865-8947 |
HPA | Health Policy and Admn | 814-863-2900 |
HHD | Hlth & Human Dev | 814-865-2156 |
HDFS | Hum Dev/Family Study | 814-863-8000 |
HEBR | Hebrew | 814-865-8939 |
HIED | Higher Education | 814-863-2690 |
HINDI | Hindi | 814-865-1168 |
HIST | History | 814-865-1367 |
HM | Hospitality Mgmt | 814-865-1853 |
HORT | Horticulture | 814-865-2571 |
HRER | Hum Res & Empmnt Rel | 814-865-5425 |
HRIM | Htl Rst Inst Mgmt | 814-865-1853 |
IB | Internatl Business | 814-865-4172 |
IE | Industrial Engr | 814-865-7601 |
INART | Integrative Arts | 814-865-1750 |
INS | Insurance | 814-865-4172 |
INTAF | International Affair | 814-863-9938 |
INTAG | International Agri | 814-863-0249 |
INTST | Intl Studies | 814-863-0589 |
IST | Info Sci And Tech | 814-865-8947 |
IT | Italian | 814-865-1168 |
JST | Jewish Studies | 814-863-8939 |
JAPNS | Japanese | 814-865-1168 |
KEYBD | Music-Keyboard | 814-865-0431 |
KINES | Kinesiology | 814-863-0353 |
KOR | Korean | 814-865-1168 |
LA | Liberal Arts | 814-865-1070 |
LST | Library Studies | 814-865-9257 |
LANG | Languages | 814-865-1168 |
LARCH | Landscape Arch | 814-865-9511 |
LATIN | Latin | 814-865-8851 |
LDT | Learning, Design, & Tech | 814-863-2596 |
LER | Labor, Emplym Relati | 814-865-5425 |
LING | Linguistics | 814-865-1168 |
LLAED | Lifelong Learning & Adult Ed | 814-863-2596 |
LLED | Language/Literacy Ed | 814-865-6568 |
LTNST | Latina/o Studies | 814-863-0258 |
MATH | Mathematics | 814-865-7528 |
MATL | Materials | 814-865-1451 |
MATSE | Materials Sc & Engr | 814-865-5766 |
MCIBS | Molec Cellu&intg Bio | 814-863-3650 |
ME | Mechanical Engr | 814-863-1503 |
MEDVL | Medieval Studies | 814-865-1367 |
METEO | Meteorology | 814-865-0478 |
MGMT | Management | 814-865-1789 |
MICRB | Microbiology | 814-865-5497 |
MIS | Mangt Info Systems | 814-865-1866 |
MKTG | Marketing | 814-865-1869 |
MNPR | Mineral Processing | 814-863-5566 |
MNG | Mining | 814-863-5566 |
MTHED | Math Education | 814-865-6568 |
MUSIC | Music | 814-865-0431 |
NAVSC | Naval Science | 814-865-6289 |
NEURO | Neuroscience-Hy | 814-863-3650 |
NUCE | Nuclear Enginring | 814-865-5940 |
NURS | Nursing | 814-863-0245 |
NUTR | Nutrition | 814-863-0806 |
OR | Operations Research | 814-863-2358 |
PERCN | Music-Percussion | 814-865-0431 |
PHIL | Philosophy | 814-865-6397 |
PHOTO | Photography | 814-865-0444 |
PHSIO | Physiology | 814-863-3650 |
PHYS | Physics | 814-865-3884 |
PLSC | Political Science | 814-865-7515 |
PLBIO | Plant Biology | 814-863-3650 |
PNG | Petroleum and Nat Gas Engr | 814-863-5566 |
PORT | Portuguese | 814-865-1168 |
PPATH | Plant Pathology | 814-865-7069 |
PSY | Psychology | 814-863-1721 |
PSYCH | Psychology | 814-863-1811 |
QMM | Qual & Manufact Mngt | 814-863-5802 |
REST | Real Estate | 814-865-4172 |
RM | Risk Management | 814-865-4172 |
RSOC | Rural Sociology | 814-865-0467 |
RHS | Rehab & Human Servic | 814-865-7454 |
RLST | Religious Studies | 814-865-3403 |
RPTM | Rec, Park, Tour Mgmt | 814-865-1851 |
RUS | Russian | 814-865-1168 |
SPSY | School Psychology | 814-865-1881 |
SC | Science | 814-863-0284 |
SCIS | Sply Chain/Info Syst | 814-865-1866 |
SCIED | Science Education | 814-865-6568 |
SCM | Supply Chain Mgmt | 814-865-1866 |
SLAV | Slavic | 814-865-1168 |
SOC | Sociology | 814-865-2527 |
SOILS | Soil Science | 814-865-4237 |
SPAN | Spanish | 814-865-1168 |
SPEC | Special Grad Pgmr | 814-865-2516 |
SPLED | Special Education | 814-863-1699 |
SRA | Security & Rsk Analy | 814-865-8947 |
SSED | Social Studies Educ | 814-865-6568 |
STAT | Statistics | 814-865-1348 |
STRNG | Music-Strings | 814-865-0431 |
SWA | Swahili | 814-865-1168 |
THEA | Theatre | 814-865-7586 |
TURF | Turfgrass | 814-865-2571 |
UKR | Ukrainian | 814-865-1168 |
VBSC | Vet & Biomed Sci | 814-865-7696 |
VOICE | Music-Voice | 814-865-0431 |
WFS | Wildlife & Fish Sci | 814-865-4237 |
WP | Wood Products | 814-865-4237 |
WFED | Workforce Education | 814-863-2596 |
WLED | World Lang Education | 814-865-6568 |
WMNST | Women's Studies | 814-863-4025 |
WWNDS | Music-Woodwinds | 814-865-0431 |
XS | Study Abroad | 814-865-7681 |