Department Contacts for University Park Courses

Enrollment in a course may be controlled in order to reserve space for a special population (e.g., students in a particular semester standing and/or major). You must contact the appropriate academic department to determine if you are eligible to enroll in a course that has a course control.

Below is a list of the department contact phone number for each course subject at University Park. For courses at non-University Park locations, please contact the appropriate campus registrar's office.

University Park Department Contacts

University Park department contacts for course controls
Course Abbreviation Short Description Department Phone Number
ABE Ag and Biological Engineering 814-863-1524
AE Architectural Engineering 814-863-2078
AED Art Education 814-865-0444
ASM Ag Systems Management 814-863-1524
AA Arts and Architecture 814-865-9523
AAAS African/Afr Amer Studies 814-863-4243
ACCTG Accounting 814-865-1809
ACS Acoustics 814-865-6364
AEE Ag and Extension Education 814-865-0467
AEREC Ag Ec and Rural Sociology 814-865-0467
AERSP Aerospace Engineering 814-865-2569
AFR African Studies 814-863-4243
AG Agriculture 814-865-7521
AGBM Agribusiness Management 814-865-0467
AGSC Agricultural Science 814-865-0467
AGECO Agroecology 814-865-2571
AGRO Agronomy 814-865-2571
AIR Air Force 814-865-5453
ANSC Animal Science 814-863-3664
ANTH Anthropology 814-865-2509
APLNG Applied Linguistics 814-865-7365
ARAB Arabic 814-865-1168
ARCH Architecture 814-865-9535
ARMY Army 814-863-0368
ART Art 814-865-0444
ARTH Art History 814-865-6326
ASIA Asian Studies 814-865-1168
ASTRO Astronomy and Astrophysics 814-865-0410
AYFCE App Yth Fam and Cm Edu 814-865-0467
BA Business Administration 814-863-1947
BE Biological Engineering 814-863-1524
BLAW Business Law 814-865-4172
BMB Biochemistry and Molec Biology 814-865-5497
BME Biomedical Engineering 814-863-6614
BBH Biobehavioral Health 814-863-7256
BISC Biological Science 814-865-5497
BIOE Bioengineering 814-863-6614
BIOET Bioethics 814-863-8237
BIOL Biology 814-865-2329
BIOTC Biotechnology 814-865-5497
BMH Bioethics and Med Humanities 814-863-8237
BMMB Biochm Micrb and Molec Biology 814-865-5497
BRASS Music-Brass 814-865-0431
C-S Curric & Supervision 814-865-6568
CE Civil Engineering 814-863-3084
CI Curric & Instruction 814-865-6568
CAMS Class & Anc Med Stud 814-865-8851
CAS Comm Arts & Sciences 814-865-3461
CED Comm Env & Develop 814-865-0467
CEDEV Community & Econ Dev 814-865-6223
CHE Chemical Engineering 814-865-2574
CHEM Chemistry 814-865-9391
CHNS Chinese 814-865-1168
CIED Comp & Internatnl Ed 814-865-1488
CLJ Crime, Law & Justice 814-865-2527
CMLIT Comparative Lit 814-865-1168
CMPEN Computer Engineering 814-865-9505
CMPSC Computer Science 814-865-9505
CNED Counselor Education 814-865-8304
CNPSY Counseling Psych 814-865-8304
COMM Communications 814-865-1591
CRIM Criminology 814-865-2527
CSA College Student Affs 814-865-3449
CSD Comm Sci & Disorders 814-865-3584
CSE Computer Sci & Engr 814-865-9505
CYBER Cybersecurity Analytics and Op 814-865-8947
DANCE Dance 814-865-7586
DART Digital Arts 814-865-0444
DEMOG Demography 814-865-0486
DS Data Sciences 814-865-8947
EARTH Earth Sciences 814-865-7791
EBF Energy Business and Finance 814-863-5566
EBIZ E-Business 814-865-1869
ECE Early Childhood Educ 814-865-6568
ECLGY Ecology 814-863-3650
ECON Economics 814-865-1457
EDLDR Educ Leadership Prog 814-865-1487
EDPSY Education Psychology 814-865-1881
EDSGN Engineering Design 814-863-3026
EDTHP Educ Theory & Policy 814-865-1488
EDUC Education 814-865-2524
EE Electrical Engr 814-865-7667
EGEE Energy/Geo-Envir Eng 814-863-5566
EMCH Engineering Mech 814-865-4523
EME Energy and Mineral Engineering 814-863-5566
EMSC Earth & Mineral Sci 814-865-7482
ENGL English 814-863-0258
ENGR Engineering 814-863-1033
ENNEC Engy, Envrn, & Mn Ec 814-863-5566
ENT Entomology 814-865-1895
ENTR Entrepreneurship 814-865-1789
ENVSE Environ System Engineering 814-863-5566
ERM Envirn Resrc Mgmt 814-865-6942
ESC Engineering Science 814-865-4523
ESL English As Sec Lang 814-865-7365
ETI Enterprise Tech Integration 814-865-8947
FSC Fuel Science 814-863-5566
FDSC Food Science 814-863-8667
FIN Finance 814-863-0486
FOR Forestry 814-865-4237
FR French 814-865-1168
FRNSC Forensic Science 814-867-2465
GD Graphic Design 814-865-0345
GENET Genetics 814-863-3650
GEOG Geography 814-865-3433
GEOSC Geosciences 814-865-7791
GER German 814-865-1168
GREEK Greek 814-865-8851
HCDD Human-Centered Design and Dev 814-865-8947
HPA Health Policy and Admn 814-863-2900
HHD Hlth & Human Dev 814-865-2156
HDFS Hum Dev/Family Study 814-863-8000
HEBR Hebrew 814-865-8939
HIED Higher Education 814-863-2690
HINDI Hindi 814-865-1168
HIST History 814-865-1367
HM Hospitality Mgmt 814-865-1853
HORT Horticulture 814-865-2571
HRER Hum Res & Empmnt Rel 814-865-5425
HRIM Htl Rst Inst Mgmt 814-865-1853
IB Internatl Business 814-865-4172
IE Industrial Engr 814-865-7601
INART Integrative Arts 814-865-1750
INS Insurance 814-865-4172
INTAF International Affair 814-863-9938
INTAG International Agri 814-863-0249
INTST Intl Studies 814-863-0589
IST Info Sci And Tech 814-865-8947
IT Italian 814-865-1168
JST Jewish Studies 814-863-8939
JAPNS Japanese 814-865-1168
KEYBD Music-Keyboard 814-865-0431
KINES Kinesiology 814-863-0353
KOR Korean 814-865-1168
LA Liberal Arts 814-865-1070
LST Library Studies 814-865-9257
LANG Languages 814-865-1168
LARCH Landscape Arch 814-865-9511
LATIN Latin 814-865-8851
LDT Learning, Design, & Tech 814-863-2596
LER Labor, Emplym Relati 814-865-5425
LING Linguistics 814-865-1168
LLAED Lifelong Learning & Adult Ed 814-863-2596
LLED Language/Literacy Ed 814-865-6568
LTNST Latina/o Studies 814-863-0258
MATH Mathematics 814-865-7528
MATL Materials 814-865-1451
MATSE Materials Sc & Engr 814-865-5766
MCIBS Molec Cellu&intg Bio 814-863-3650
ME Mechanical Engr 814-863-1503
MEDVL Medieval Studies 814-865-1367
METEO Meteorology 814-865-0478
MGMT Management 814-865-1789
MICRB Microbiology 814-865-5497
MIS Mangt Info Systems 814-865-1866
MKTG Marketing 814-865-1869
MNPR Mineral Processing 814-863-5566
MNG Mining 814-863-5566
MTHED Math Education 814-865-6568
MUSIC Music 814-865-0431
NAVSC Naval Science 814-865-6289
NEURO Neuroscience-Hy 814-863-3650
NUCE Nuclear Enginring 814-865-5940
NURS Nursing 814-863-0245
NUTR Nutrition 814-863-0806
OR Operations Research 814-863-2358
PERCN Music-Percussion 814-865-0431
PHIL Philosophy 814-865-6397
PHOTO Photography 814-865-0444
PHSIO Physiology 814-863-3650
PHYS Physics 814-865-3884
PLSC Political Science 814-865-7515
PLBIO Plant Biology 814-863-3650
PNG Petroleum and Nat Gas Engr 814-863-5566
PORT Portuguese 814-865-1168
PPATH Plant Pathology 814-865-7069
PSY Psychology 814-863-1721
PSYCH Psychology 814-863-1811
QMM Qual & Manufact Mngt 814-863-5802
REST Real Estate 814-865-4172
RM Risk Management 814-865-4172
RSOC Rural Sociology 814-865-0467
RHS Rehab & Human Servic 814-865-7454
RLST Religious Studies 814-865-3403
RPTM Rec, Park, Tour Mgmt 814-865-1851
RUS Russian 814-865-1168
SPSY School Psychology 814-865-1881
SC Science 814-863-0284
SCIS Sply Chain/Info Syst 814-865-1866
SCIED Science Education 814-865-6568
SCM Supply Chain Mgmt 814-865-1866
SLAV Slavic 814-865-1168
SOC Sociology 814-865-2527
SOILS Soil Science 814-865-4237
SPAN Spanish 814-865-1168
SPEC Special Grad Pgmr 814-865-2516
SPLED Special Education 814-863-1699
SRA Security & Rsk Analy 814-865-8947
SSED Social Studies Educ 814-865-6568
STAT Statistics 814-865-1348
STRNG Music-Strings 814-865-0431
SWA Swahili 814-865-1168
THEA Theatre 814-865-7586
TURF Turfgrass 814-865-2571
UKR Ukrainian 814-865-1168
VBSC Vet & Biomed Sci 814-865-7696
VOICE Music-Voice 814-865-0431
WFS Wildlife & Fish Sci 814-865-4237
WP Wood Products 814-865-4237
WFED Workforce Education 814-863-2596
WLED World Lang Education 814-865-6568
WMNST Women's Studies 814-863-4025
WWNDS Music-Woodwinds 814-865-0431
XS Study Abroad 814-865-7681