Office of the University Registrar to no longer accept cash payments

May 23, 2022

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- Beginning May 23, 2022, cash payments will no longer be accepted by the Office of the University Registrar for official transcript orders; re-enrollment applications; or re-issued diplomas, certificates, or minor certificates.

Payment Methods Accepted for Official Transcript Orders

Official transcripts can be ordered online through the Parchment Exchange ordering service or in person at the Office of the University Registrar front counter in the first-floor lobby of Shields Building. When ordering online, payments for electronic and paper transcript sets can be made by credit card. When ordering in person, payments for paper transcript sets can be made by check or money order. The official electronic transcript costs $5.00 per transcript set. The official paper transcript costs $15.00 per transcript set. Electronic transcripts can only be requested online.

More information about official transcripts can be found on the Office of the University Registrar website.

Payment Methods Accepted for Re-enrollment Applications

To re-enroll at the University, former students must complete the undergraduate re-enrollment form and return it to the campus registrar at the campus of re-enrollment along with a $20.00 non-refundable re-enrollment fee. When requesting to re-enroll at the University Park campus, the completed form and fee payment can be mailed, faxed, or submitted in person to the Office of the University Registrar front counter in the first-floor lobby of Shields Building. If the re-enrollment form is submitted by mail, the re-enrollment fee can be paid by check, money order, or credit card. If the re-enrollment form is submitted by fax, the re-enrollment fee can be paid by credit card. If the re-enrollment form is submitted in person, the re-enrollment fee can be paid by check or money order.

More information about re-enrollment procedures can be found on the Office of the University Registrar website.

Payment Methods Accepted for Re-issued Diplomas, Certificates, and Minor Certificates

An alumnus may request a re-issued diploma, certificate, or minor certificate by completing the appropriate re-issue request form and submitting it via mail, fax, or in person to the Office of the University Registrar along with the appropriate processing fee. If the re-issue request form is submitted by mail, the processing fee can be paid by check or credit card. If the re-issue request form is submitted by fax, the processing fee can be paid by credit card. If the re-issue request form is submitted in person to the Office of the University Registrar front counter in the first-floor lobby of the Shields Building, the processing fee can be paid by check. The processing fees are $40.00 for each undergraduate or graduate diploma, $50.00 for each medical diploma and each J.D., LL.M., and S.J.D. diploma, and $25.00 for each certificate or minor certificate.

More information about re-issued diplomas, certificates, and minor certificates can be found on the Office of the University Registrar website.
