Grades are assigned to students by instructors as a representation of the student's academic achievement. Both grades and grade-point average are recorded on a student's official record and transcript.
Students can view grades in LionPATH within 48 hours after the final exam or final assessment of a course.
View the definitions and meanings of different grading scales and symbols used for undergraduate, graduate, law, and medical courses.
Each grade earned has a corresponding grade-point equivalent which is used to calculate a student's semester and cumulative grade-point average.
Undergraduate students who achieve academic excellence are named to the Dean's List if they meet defined enrollment and grade-point average criteria.
In some circumstances, students may earn credits for a course through the successful completion of a comprehensive examination.
If, for reasons beyond a student's control, a student cannot complete a course within the prescribed time, the grade in that course may be deferred with permission of the instructor.
The symbol NG is added to a student's transcript if an instructor does not submit a grade for the student by the grade-reporting deadline and a deferred grade is not approved.
The Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading system is available for a limited number of courses, subject ot the regulations of the college and degree programs.
Information about the alternative grading system, a supplemental satisfactory grade/passing grade/no grade grading system that the University Faculty Senate may enable during a situation of special Senate concern.